Accelerating TB Interventions: Biannual Review Signals Impactful Progress

By John Gitau and Mbetera Felix
In a powerful effort to expedite tuberculosis (TB) interventions and strengthen the fight against this disease, the National TB Program and AMREF Health Africa, with support from the Global Fund grant, orchestrated a pivotal biannual review meeting at the picturesque Travellers Beach Hotel & Club in Mombasa.
Bringing together 150 representatives from Sub-Recipients (SRs) across all 47 counties, the gathering included key stakeholders such as the Division of National TB, Leprosy, and Lung Disease Program, Division of Community Health, National Treasury, Kenya Medical Supplies Agency, National Laboratory Services, Ministry of Health-Tax Department, and Kenya Coordinating Mechanism.
Mr. Simion Ndemo, representing the Head of National TB Program (NTP) and leading the Prevention, Health Promotion, and Community Engagement section, urged collaborative efforts and contributions between NTP and its partners. He emphasized the importance of evidence-based approaches and harnessing technology to build capacity for effective implementation of TB interventions.
AMREF Health Africa’s Kenya GF-TB Program Manager, Mr. Benson Ulo, echoed the call for integration among all stakeholders in the fight against TB. He stressed the need to track down individuals with TB and ensure the delivery of quality services. With the grant period ending in 2024, he emphasized the significance of accelerating key interventions through a holistic and precise approach.
Collaborating with NTP, AMREF Health Africa has been at the forefront of supporting county-level activities, conducting community outreaches, household TB contact screening, and elevating TB service delivery in both public and private settings. They have also been actively tracing individuals who discontinue TB treatment.
The meeting’s objectives revolved around gauging the progress of TB programmatic activities, sharing experiences, and identifying new gaps to formulate robust interventions that strengthen health systems and promote community health. Additionally, the discussions aimed to chart future steps towards achieving ambitious objectives outlined in the Next Funding Mechanism.
The gathering served as a platform for candid discussions, renewing the pledge to combat TB, and formulating essential tools and interventions to drive positive change and create a healthier future for communities affected by TB.
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